This is concerning bug 459727. As one of my goals for this release I wanted to create better regexps in order to match all possible bugLink patterns i.e. bug 123455, b=134566, 345777 or BUG 293455
To do this I came up with 3 different regexps which match the above patterns and nothing else. The following is the code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 | function createBuglink(str) { //Create buglink var matchFound = new Boolean(false); var bugInDesc = 0; var pattern = -1; var bugLink = ""; re = new RegExp("[bB][uU][gG]\s\d{6}"); re2 = new RegExp("b=\d{6}"); re3 = new RegExp("\d{6}\W"); bugInDesc =; if(bugInDesc != -1) { matchFound = true; pattern = 1; } else { bugInDesc =; if(bugInDesc != -1) { matchFound = true; pattern = 2; } else { bugInDesc =; if(bugInDesc != -1) { matchFound = true; pattern = 3; } } } if(matchFound == true) { if(pattern == 1) { bugLink = bugLinkify(bugInDesc, str, 4, 10); } else if(pattern == 2) { bugLink = bugLinkify(bugInDesc, str, 2, 8); } else if(pattern == 3) { bugLink = bugLinkify(bugInDesc, str, 0, 6); } } else { //No bug provided bugLink = str; } return bugLink; } |
As you can see once a match is found (bugInDesc is not -1) the pattern being used in the string is identified and then bugLinkify() is called which is responsible for actually creating the link.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | function bugLinkify(bugInDesc, str, start, end) { var bugLinkName = str.substring(bugInDesc, bugInDesc + end); var bugNumber = bugLinkName.substring(start, end); var bugLink = str.substring(0, bugInDesc) + '<a href="' + bugNumber + '">' + bugLinkName + '</a>' + str.substring(bugInDesc + end, str.length); return bugLink; } |
Using this method the 3 different patterns are converted into bug links properly. See results below
Hi Sid,
Just a short note: believe it or not, but there are bug #s which do not have 6 digits and have not yet been closed, so people will refer to them from time to time, so I believe your regexps should be adapted to also cope with those.
Best regards,
Ah, also, for doing case insensitivity, there is the “i” flag for regexps – then you don’t need to do [bB][uU][gG], but can just use “bug” as-is. Hope that helps!
Good point Gijs, I didn’t know that there were bugs which don’t have 6 digits. I guess I will have to adjust my regexps.
Thanks for the info