Further Progress with pushloghtml’s OnScroll Feature

I’ve been working hard on bug 459727 to get it working. Right now it’s starting to look like it should but there are still some problems that need to be fixed.

var start = -19;
var end = start + 19;
function renderMorePushLogResults() {
  $('test').html('<img src="D:CRULSHORUKH_MobileSENECASEMESTER_7DPS909Mercurialajax-loader.gif">');
  start += 20;
  end = start + 19;
  var pushCheckins = new XMLHttpRequest();
  pushCheckins.open('GET', '/json-pushes?startID=' + (start - 1) + '&endID=' + end, true);
  pushCheckins.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if(pushCheckins.readyState == 4)  {
    if(pushCheckins.status != 404) {
      var pushData = new Function("return " + pushCheckins.responseText) ();
      var counter = 0;
      for(var i = end; i >= start; i--) {
        var trScroll = document.createElement("tr");
        if(counter == 0) {
          counter = 1;
        } else {
            trScroll.style.backgroundColor = "#f6f6f0";
            counter = 0;
        var tdScrollUser = document.createElement("td");
        tdScrollUser.width = "184px";
        tdScrollUser.innerHTML += '<i>' + pushData[i].user + '<br />' + pushData[i].formattedDate + '</i>';
        var tdScrollChangeset = document.createElement("td");
        tdScrollChangeset.innerHTML += 
         '<a href="/rev/' + 
         pushData[i].individualChangeset.substring(0, 12) + 
         '">' + 
         pushData[i].individualChangeset.substring(0, 12) + 
        //Create buglink
        var bugInDesc = (pushData[i].desc).indexOf("Bug");
        if(bugInDesc == -1)
          bugInDesc = (pushData[i].desc).indexOf("bug");
        if(bugInDesc != -1) {
          var bugLinkName = (pushData[i].desc).substring(bugInDesc, bugInDesc + 10);
          var bugNumber = bugLinkName.substring(4, 10);
          var bugLink = 
           (pushData[i].desc).substring(0, bugInDesc) + 
           '<a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=' + 
           bugNumber + 
           '">' + 
           bugLinkName + 
           '</a>' + 
           (pushData[i].desc).substring(bugInDesc + 10, (pushData[i].desc).length);
        } else { //No bug provided
            var bugLink = pushData[i].desc;
        var tdScrollAuthorDesc = document.createElement("td");
        tdScrollAuthorDesc.innerHTML += '<b>' + pushData[i].author + ' - ' + bugLink + '</b>';

The above code gives the following result. This is a marked improvement from my previous results wouldn’t you say? Now how did I work all this out? If you read my previous blog post you would know how many problems I was having with the formatting and getting the right data. Let me explain how I have rectified the situation:


Currently all the formatting is done by the template files map and style-gitweb.css, which get data from python-feed.py and format the data. Now when I load items when the browser registers the OnScroll event there is no way to render the page again so that map and style-gitweb.css can format this new data (as far as I could tell at least).

I have decided to do all the formatting on the JavaScript side for all the new entries. It is a bit tedious and clumsy I suppose but it gets the job done. Take for example the bugzilla links. For the normal entries that appear onPageLoad the bugzilla links are setup by a server side service called buglink.py but again the new entries don’t have access to this service so I have to do it manually. Basically:

  • I take the description string
  • Get the position of “bug” or “Bug” in the description string by using indexOf()
  • Setup the link which will always be “https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=” + the bugId
  • Reassemble the description string but this time with the link of the bug

Acquiring the Right Data

As I mentioned in a previous post I didn’t have all the data I needed. To acquire the needed data I had to change the functionality of the server side script I was using, json-pushes. The following are the changes I made:

def pushes_worker(repo, startID=0, endID=None):
    stmt = 'SELECT id, user, date, rev, node from pushlog INNER JOIN changesets ON id = pushid WHERE id > ? %s ORDER BY id ASC, rev ASC'
    args = (startID,)
    if endID is not None:
        stmt = stmt % 'and id <= ?'
        args = (startID, endID)
        stmt = stmt % ""
    if os.path.basename(repo.path) != '.hg':
        repo.path = os.path.join(repo.path, '.hg')
    conn = sqlite.connect(os.path.join(repo.path, 'pushlog2.db'))
    pushes = {}
    mergeChangesets = {}
    for id, user, date, rev, node in conn.execute(stmt, args):
        ctx = repo.changectx(node)
        if len(ctx.parents()) == 2:
          #code to deal with merge changesets, u can access stuff by going ctx.parents()[0].description() or ctx.parents()[0].user()
          par = ctx.parents()
        if id in pushes:
            pushes[id] = {'user': user,
                          'date': date,
                          'formattedDate': util.datestr(localdate(date)),
                          'changesets': [node],
                          'individualChangeset': hex(ctx.node()),
                          'author': ctx.user(),
                          'desc': ctx.description(),
                          'isMerge': len(ctx.parents())
    return pushes

I had to alter pushes_worker() so that it recieved web.repo so that I could perform ctx.web.repo.changectx(node), which gives me the information I need like ctx.user() and ctx.description(). To clarify in the above code the passed in variable repo = web.repo

I was also able to format date in the appropriate way by calling util.datestr(localdate(date)). This required me to get the util module.

Further improvements

I’m not done yet, there are still things that need to be done:

  • Chronological Order: This has me a bit confused. Right now I have it set that for the very first time the user scrolls to the bottom of the page json-pushes loads with startid=0&endid=20. The next time it loads startid=20&endid=40 and so on. This doesn’t have the same effect of going from pushloghtml to pushloghtml/2 to pushloghtml/3 and so on, which is what I want to happen, right?
  • Merge Changesets: This functionality doesn’t work right now. My problem is how do I know whether something is a merge changeset or not? Well, I’ve answered that question now thanks to djc. I need to use len(ctx.parents()) which returns 2 if a node is merge changeset. Then I can access the description and user data by going ctx.parents()[0].description() or ctx.parents()[0].user()
  • loader-gif: I want to add a loader gif animation so that users know that the entries are loading, which is quite a standard feature for AJAX applications. But my problem is that I don’t know where in my file structure I should be placing the gif file. I’ve tried something like
    $('test').html('<img src="{url}ajax-loader.gif">');

    and placed my gif file everywhere possible but nothing has worked yet

  • Keeping expand/collapse functionality: I want to make sure that my new entries keep the expand/collapse functionality for merge changesets.
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