Well the time to choose my project for the open source class is approaching very quickly. I’ve narrowed my choice down to 3 now. But I’m still in a dilemma. Which one should I go with? Well, lets look at my choices first…
- Contribute to Private Browsing Tests
- Create Self Serve Symbol Upload System
- Help Calendar Integration on Trunk
I find all three to be interesting and would love to do all of them in fact. However, I need to choose one (Must follow the rules, am I right?). Lets have a closer look at each of them…
Contribute to Private Browsing Tests
Firefox is implementing a new private browsing feature that will allow users to conduct their activities on the Internet without leaving any traces behind. Chrome and IE 8 Beta have already implemented this feature and Firefox doesn’t want to be left behind. I would love to be part of this effort. Privacy is something that every user craves on the Internet and at the moment there is very little of it. Implementing this feature would definitely put Firefox in the same league as its competitors in terms of user privacy. Contributing to such a pivotal feature definitely interests me.
Create Self Serve Symbol Upload System
Mozilla has a symbol server that developers use to debug issues in release builds that don’t have debug information. Many crashes are related to third party plugins or add-ons. This project would involve setting up some way by which plugin or add-on developers could upload their symbols. It apparently involves web development, which I am very fond of. I don’t know much about symbols so that has me a bit perturbed. Nonetheless I wouldn’t mind in the least bit to work on this project.
Help Calendar Integration on Trunk
To be honest I don’t know much about this project. I definitely prefer the other 2 projects above. This is more of a backup project for me. As far as I know trunk is the main Mozilla source tree and this project mandates that a calendar be setup to integrate with trunk. I’m not exactly sure how this would be useful or how it would be implemented but I’m willing to find out.
To be perfectly honest right now I’m leaning heavily towards the private browising tests project. I’ve contacted the main resources, Ehsan and Marcia and they’ve given me further details about the project. I’m hoping to meet couple of the QA guys coming to the Mozilla Developer Conference here at Seneca to have a chat so that I can get more details about the project. Hopefully by Monday I will have decided which project I will persue so be on the look out.