Last week Mozilla held a Developer Day conference at Seneca College. This brought various Mozilla developers from its Toronto and California offices to Seneca to talk about all things Mozilla. The conference lasted for the entirety of two days with various people presenting different types of Mozilla technologies.
I got to sit in during one of ctalbert’s presentations. To be frank a lot of what he said went straight over my head. I wish I had better understanding of what he was talking about but that would have required me to do some preparatory work. I even got to talk to ctalbert for a bit about the Private Browsing Tests project during the BBQ lunch because at the time I was thinking about choosing that as my project. In the end I picked the Mercurial project but still it was interesting to learn a bit more about this upcoming Firefox feature.
The presentations were divided into two tracks, the desktop and web track. The presenters talked about XUL, XPCShell testing, Mochitest testing, memory leak testing and much more. Unfortunately I couldn’t attend many of the presentations because of class. I wish the conference could have been held on a weekend but I’m sure many people would object to that, which I totally understand. Surely many other people that wanted to attend couldn’t do so for various reasons but not to worry since videos of all the presenations will be coming very soon. Keep checking the wiki page for further details.